
August 29, 2018 Award Winning Wednesday

Digital Media Small Business Platinum Amber Pharmacy Amber Pharmacy Blog Amber Pharmacy, a specialty pharmacy headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, was one of the first specialty pharmacies in the nation. To demonstrate the company’s expertise in providing hands-on care to patients with complex, chronic health conditions, Amber Pharmacy launched a blog on its website in May of …

August 22, 2018 Award Winning Wednesday

Communications Large Business Gold Jet Linx SOAR Magazine A question faced by companies today – how do we provide color to the services we provide, show how our products or services enhance a lifestyle, and elevate the expertise of our team? For Jet Linx, the answer is SOAR magazine, our flagship company publication, published quarterly to …

August 15, 2018 Award Winning Wednesday

Public Relations Not-for-Profit, Platinum  Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Facility Dog Sven The arrival of the region’s first-ever, trained facility dog gave Children’s Hospital & Medical Center an opportunity to reinforce its Marketing strategy and affirm its commitment to the patient experience. Through a public relations campaign that involved special events, media coverage and social engagement, …

AMA Membership Benefits – PCM

When you have the letters P-C-M behind your name, you’re showing the world you’re serious about making a difference in marketing. With the American Marketing Association Professional Certified Marketer (PCM®) program, you’ll not only gain the knowledge you need to advance your career, but you’ll also prove to employers you’re equipped to take on modern …